Hiring with Screenweave

Hiring That's More Personal and Efficient

Screenweave is designed with hiring in mind. Transform how you recruit and engage top talent.

Start Hiring Smarter...

Leverage Video for Better Candidate Assessment

Get to know your candidate with video introductions.
Improve collaboration among hiring teams with shared video feedback.
Screen potential hires with video applications.
Create personalized greetings for new hires.

Make Every Interaction Count

Streamline your hiring efforts and draw more meaningful insights from every candidate interaction.

Accelerated Screening Process
Efficiently evaluate and track candidates with easy video submissions, reducing the initial screening time.
Enhanced Candidate Engagement
Engage candidates more effectively with interactive video content, making your company stand out to top talent.
Collaborative Hiring Decisions
Facilitate better decision-making with shared video reviews and comments from your hiring team.

Smart Hiring Solutions


Intuitive and fast recording process.


Easy to use video request workflow.


Customizable video organization and management.


Integrated team collaboration tools.