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How Do I Upgrade, Downgrade, or Cancel My Subscription?

Team administrator may want to change the status of their Screenweave subscription, be that upgrading to a Pro account, downgrading to a Lite account, or canceling their subscription all together.

To make changes to your Screenweave subscription:

-Log into the Screenweave app

-Click on the settings dropdown menu located on the top right hand corner of your screen

-You should see menu options for Profile, Manage Team, and Log Out.

-Click on the "Manage Team" dropdown option

-At the top left portion of the window, you should see three menu tabs directly under where your team name is listed.

-Click on Subscriptions. This should open a new tab where you can see all of your billing and subscription info.

-You should see information regarding your current subscription status at the top of this screen.

-If you are already subscribed with a Pro plan, you can cancel your subscription by clicking the button labeled "Cancel plan" on the right hand side of the "Current Plan" section of the page.

-Canceling a subscription will automatically downgrade your Pro account to a Lite account.

-To upgrade your subscription to a Pro plan, you can simply enter in payment and billing information in the section directly below and your account will be upgraded immediately.

If you have any additional questions regarding upgrading, downgrading, or cancelling your Screenweave subscription, don't hesitate to reach out to us on our contact page or by emailing us at: hello@screenweave.com.