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Why Video Content Works

The Video Explosion

In the past 10 years, there has been an explosion of video content on the web. For entertainment, information, and education, video has outperformed every other digital communication method in terms of engagement, effectiveness, and message delivery. Why is that? What is the psychology behind video that works so well to captivate and educate audiences?

Visual and Auditory Learning: Engaging Multiple Senses

One of the fundamental reasons video content is so effective is that it engages multiple senses simultaneously. Unlike text-based learning, which is only experienced visually, video combines both visual and auditory stimuli. Visuals alone are very powerful because of concepts like the "Picture-Superiority Effect" which suggests that people can remember up to 90% of images they see even after several days, compared to only about 10% of the information they hear​ (eLearn Magazine)​. Our brains are also incredibly quick at recognizing images. In a study testing the effectiveness of infographics over plain text media, subjects were able to identify images in as little as 13 milliseconds, demonstrating our quick visual processing (eLearn Magazine)​. These advantages of visual mediums alone offer so many benefits in terms of increasing comprehension and retention of information but again, the real benefits of video are experienced both through our eyes and our ears. 

Whether it is engaging backing music or compelling narration, audio can make or break a video. Auditory learning involves processing information through hearing, which activates different areas of the brain, including the temporal lobes which are responsible for processing sounds and language. From the video production perspective, sound is just another channel to communicate to the audience. Music can guide and inform audiences how they should feel about a topic. Narration is fantastic for informing and educating audiences. Combining both visuals and audio, video appeals to our brain's natural ability to integrate and synthesize information from different sources like we might in our everyday lives. This all adds up to make delivered messages more memorable and impactful for the viewer (ar5iv)​​ (Visme)​. As anyone who watches video entertainment will agree, video generally holds our attention better, makes learning more interactive, appeals to individuals with different learning styles, and enhances overall understanding.

Retention and Recall: The Impact of Video on Memory

For onboarding and training, it is crucial that new employees and trainees understand and retain the educational content shared with them. Fortunately, video is a great platform for achieving this and academics can point to a few different reasons as to why too. 

Cognitive Load Theory

Cognitive Load Theory suggests that our working memory has a limited capacity for processing information. Video can reduce cognitive load by integrating visual and auditory information, allowing learners to process and understand complex concepts more easily. By distributing the cognitive load across different channels (visual and auditory), video helps learners absorb information without overwhelming their working memory​ (eLearn Magazine)​.

Dual-Coding Theory

Dual-Coding Theory, proposed by Allan Paivio, suggests that information is better remembered when it is encoded both visually and verbally. Video content leverages this theory by presenting information in both visual and auditory formats, creating two separate mental representations that reinforce each other and enhance recall​ (eLearn Magazine)​​ (Visme)​.

Emotional Engagement

Videos often include emotional elements such as tone of voice, facial expressions, and music, which can create an emotional connection with the content. Emotional engagement is known to enhance memory retention because emotions can trigger the release of neurotransmitters like dopamine, which strengthen memory encoding and consolidation processes in the brain​ (Visme)​.

Contextual Learning

Videos can provide contextual and real-world scenarios that help learners understand and apply information more effectively. Seeing concepts in action through video can create a more immersive and relatable learning experience, aiding in the transfer of knowledge to real-world situations​ (eLearn Magazine)​.

Most academics would agree that it is not necessarily just one of these concepts or theories that can be attributed to the total effectiveness of video, but all of these ideas working in conjunction to explain the complex function of our senses and mental processing. Differences in preferences and learning styles will naturally impact the effectiveness of message delivery and impact over any medium, but for the median individual, video continues to be one of the most effective avenues for communication in digital mediums.

Screenweave: Leveraging Video for Effective Learning

At Screenweave, we understand the power of video content in transforming learning experiences. We have designed our platform to allow you to leverage these psychological principles and easily create engaging, memorable, and effective educational content. Whether you're using Screenweave for corporate training, onboarding, or continuous learning, Screenweave enables you to create memorable videos that will change the way you work.

Don't Touch That Dial...

Understanding the psychology of learning reveals why video content is such a powerful tool for education and training. By engaging multiple senses, enhancing retention and recall, and incorporating interactive elements, video makes learning more effective and enjoyable. With Screenweave, you can harness these principles to create engaging video content that drives real results for your team. Experience the future of team communication and see the difference it can make for your organization.